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Poll: Over 80% of Kiwis say imports should respect NZ animal welfare standards

New poll reveals overwhelming support among New Zealanders for animal welfare standards to be applied to imported products

Sow stalls, Canada, 2022
Sow stalls, Canada, 2022, We Animals Media. New Zealand has banned the use sow stalls.

83% of Kiwis agree that imported products from outside New Zealand should respect the same animal welfare standards as those applied in New Zealand.

Results were consistently high across regions, household income and party vote 2020 with 88% of Labour and Green voters, 78% of National voters, 91% of Maori Party voters, and 79% of ACT voters in favour. The poll also shows that people believe it is important to protect the welfare of farmed animals in New Zealand (90%) and 71% agree that the Government should do more to promote a greater awareness of farmed animal welfare internationally.

The Horizon Research poll conducted nationwide in June 2023 was commissioned by Animal Policy International following a petition from NZ Pork to the Government.

“New Zealand recognises animals as sentient beings in law, deserving of lives worth living, which is why farmed animal welfare laws exist. The double standard that is currently in place for imports is untenable,” says Mandy Carter, Co-Executive Director of Animal Policy International. “Trade is a bigger deal than ever with the new EU-NZ trade deal just been signed and this poll makes it clear that people believe importing low welfare products is unacceptable. The support is there – now action must be taken to reflect public opinion.”

Whilst New Zealand is a major global exporter, New Zealand also imports many animal products from other regions with lower standards such as the US, Australia, China, Vietnam and Thailand, (beef, pork, poultry and lamb meats, fish). In the US there is no federal ban on sow stalls which are already banned in New Zealand. Therefore, animals may be subjected to conditions that are illegal in Aotearoa and will suffer as a result.

"A commitment to free trade cannot be an excuse to ignore the morals of Kiwis. It is the right thing to do: it will respect public opinion, generate positive changes worldwide, and create fairer market conditions for local farmers,” says Carter. “It will also help New Zealand fulfil its ambitions as a global leader in animal welfare. We hope that political parties will focus on this issue in the lead up to the general election and beyond."

Additional information

  • Trade restrictions aimed at protecting animal welfare can comply with World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules due to a public morals exemption provided in GATT article XX. Instances of trade restrictions protecting animal welfare already in practice include the EU's import restrictions on cat and dog fur, seal products and standards around welfare at the time of slaughter. Additionally, The European Union has recently reaffirmed applying other EU welfare standards to imports: an Impact Assessment report (April 2023) includes a measure to apply standards to imported animal products in a way that is compatible with WTO rules.

  • The poll results are from a Horizon Research survey conducted between 8 and 12 June 2023. The total sample size was 1,100 adults, 18 years of age and over. The maximum margin of error is ±3% (at the 95% confidence level).

  • Summary of results: New Zealanders strongly believe it is important to protect the welfare of farmed animals and imported products should respect the same welfare standards as New Zealand.

  • 90% of New Zealand adults aged 18+ believe it is either very important or important to protect the welfare of farmed animals. 2% thought it was somewhat unimportant/not important at all.

  • 83% strongly agree/agree that imported products from outside New Zealand should respect the same animal welfare standards as those applied in New Zealand. 4% strongly disagree/disagree.

  • 71% strongly agree/agree that the New Zealand government should do more to promote a greater awareness of farmed animal welfare internationally. 8% strongly disagree/disagree.

  • The full media release and results can be viewed here.


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